With 2019 here, I hope we can renew our evangelism goal together: 24 new connections (meaning participates in a regular activity of the congregation at least twice).
At the annual meeting, I spelled out evangelism rather simply:
Be an angel. Be an angel to someone new every week.
Pray. Angels have messages from God, and how can you know God’s message if you’re not spending time talking to God? Before and after being someone’s angel, pray for them.
Before that, I gave you a more detailed description of evangelism in the newsletter:
Prayer is key. We need to be praying. Alone and together. Without agenda. Simply listen to God’s word spoken in our hearts.
Evangelism is at the heart of being Church. Jesus’ last command to the disciples was “Go and Tell It”. On the mountain, in the valley, to your neighbor, and to strangers.
Evangelism is sharing good news. You’re not selling a product. You’re telling people something good and true. “God’s saved the world, including you!”
This good news directly addresses our bad news. Jesus’ good news was always specific. Food for the hungry. Healing for the sick. Next time someone shares bad news with you, ask yourself, “What good news does Jesus have for this bad news?” Tell them that good news (might require embodying the good news yourself).
Let’s make a joint New Year's Resolution: All of us will work together to reach our goal by Easter. We’ve made some wonderful new connections already, but we’re not quite past the 50% mark yet; will you help us make it to 100% and beyond?
~Pastor Tyler