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Confirmation of Mason S.

Updated: Sep 30, 2019

Mason S., member of Trinity, was confirmed on June 9. Mason picked John 8:11 as his confirmation verse: "Jesus said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.'"

Mason was asked to describe what he thought it meant for Jesus to be the light of the world in his faith statement. This is what he said:

"When I was young, my first thought was: God is amazing. He made us and so

much out of nothing. Today, my biggest thought is: God looks over us and helps

us get though the bad thing. My Grandpa’s death was a bad thing, but God gave

us good memories with him. God will always look over us to make sure we get

through the bad things.

"God does the things no one is willing to do. He made the earth and everything

that lives on it, even though he didn’t have to. Jesus was willing to sacrifice

himself for other people, even if those people would not do it for him because he

known it was the right thing to do.

"There are people who are so thankful for so little, but some people are not

thankful for even the big things that other people can’t get. When we went to the

Welcome Church in Philly, I learned that the stuff I have I should be thankful

because there are some people who don’t even have food or houses.

"I think being a Christian is being thankful for what we have and being willing to

help others who can’t help themselves, helping those who don’t have much, and

helping the people who need it the most."

We at Trinity give thanks and praise to God for the light he has put in Mason. Mason's right in being awed at God the Father's self-giving and God the Son's self-giving love. We pray that God the Holy Spirit will put that same self-giving love in Mason, as we know God already has. Let the ways that Mason will help others proclaim Christ's love and forgiveness to his neighbors in need. Amen.

Congratulations, Mason!


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