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Sunday, October 28, 2018

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.   Rain or Shine

Looking for a safe place to go trick or treating, along with other fun and games when you're done? Join us in our parking lot where you can trick or treat from car to car. There will also be other fun and games, along with light refreshments available.


Live somewhere where no one comes trick or treating to your house? Contact our congregation office (610.346.7282) to sign up to open your car truck to treaters in our parking lot. All decorations must be family-friendly and all candy or other food must be in original wrappers.


© 2019 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA)


2170 Route 212, Coopersburg, PA 18036-9770

610.346.7282 or

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