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Adult Faith Formation

Adult Forum

From September to May, we meet between worship services at 9:15 a.m. to dive deep into the Bible and our faith and engage the riches they have to offer.


Past topics have included racism, a year through the Bible, the theology of the cross, faith and current events, and the book What's So Amazing About Grace?.


The group is given reign to guide future topics in dialogue with the Pastor, who is the primary leader.

Pub Theology

Each month we meet at two different locations, Taps on 378 and Becker's Corner on 563, to have a drink if desire, get some food, and have open conversation about our faith. With no set agenda, we may cover any number of topics in one evening, always open to the group's interests. Though the topics are sometimes deep, discussions remain lighthearted. 


Our topics are regularly guided by's newsletter, which provides conversation starters based on current events. Whenever possible, we search Scripture for guidance on the topic at hand.

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